our news and stories

In December 2023, the URAN Foundation (a charitable organisation of the URAN Association) received 65 laptops for Ukrainian researchers and educators from the UK. In the article, we describe how URAN distributed these laptops and how scientists and educators work with them – under constant shelling and almost no electricity.
The article explores the key challenges URAN has faced during the war and how international cooperation helped URAN to continue its mission.
URAN Association has passed the certification of compliance of its integrated information security systems (IISS) with the requirements of regulatory documents on information security. Both the data centre and the secure Internet access node received the certificate. Both URAN’s IISSs meet the security level required by the State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine.
We spoke with Ludovic Gautier, Head of Programmes at Computer Aid, to find out about the initiative to supply laptops to universities in Ukraine via GÉANT’s partner URAN, the Ukrainian national research and education network.
“First and foremost, we were rescuing information that existed only in paper format. We scanned the originals daily and uploaded digital copies to the cloud. We did this until July 2022 when the university premises were taken over by the occupying military administration.”
Oleksandr Melnychenko from the Kherson National Technical University and Yevhenii Preobrazhenskyi from the URAN Association talk about the experience of the university under the Russian occupation and how research and education institutions can overcome wartime challenges with the support of digital technologies.
Oleksandra Rodyhina from the Scientific and Technical Library of Igor Sikorsky KPI – about her trip to Tbilisi for a two-day seminar organised by EaPConnect and about the role of libraries in scientific research.
“GÉANT and many fellow NRENs offered to take in people from us with family and all and provide shelter. The Polish colleagues even assured us they would be ready at the border to help with everything.”
We told colleagues from the Netherlands NREN about how URAN is going through difficult times and continues to work and support researchers and educators in Ukraine.
What challenges does an NREN face in a country where a war has been raging for more than a year? Is it possible to provide support to the Research and Education (R&E) community in such circumstances? We learn from the team of the Ukrainian NREN URAN Association about their experience of life and survival under fire.
In the face of missile attacks, shelling, and frequent power outages, any IT infrastructure is at risk of destruction or breakdown, so using cloud services is a reliable option to secure information and establish remote work. Ukrainian R&E institutions can get access to leading cloud platforms by contacting the URAN Association and stating their needs. URAN specialists together with OCRE representatives will select a cloud service provider (Microsoft Azure, AWS, etc.) and help conclude a framework agreement with it on the most beneficial terms.
For two days, 30 speakers from 15 countries gave a series of engaging talks on innovative projects at the 5th Eastern Partnership E‑infrastructures Conference.
After Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the demand for virtual machines by URAN’s user organisations, the Ukrainian NREN, grew exponentially driven by the need to prevent the loss of data from the possible destruction of the physical infrastructure. Numerous universities were able to take advantage of the free cloud services offered by URAN, but the increased demand led to an unforeseen crisis caused by disk storage overload in the NREN’s data centre.
The URAN Association announces an open tender “Data storage and access provision system (servers)” and invites potential suppliers to participate in it.
This purchase is carried out as part of the implementation of the European Union project ‘EU4Digital: Connecting Research and Education Communities (EaPConnect)’.
In April 2022, a Russian missile hit the second educational building of the Kharkiv University of Humanities ‘People’s Ukrainian Academy’. The consequences are severe. PUA needs help, and we are announcing a charity fundraiser. Please join!
UPD 31.12.2022 – The fundraiser is closed, money sent to PUA
The war prevented URAN representatives from traveling to the Italian city of Trieste for the long-awaited TNC conference which annually brings together about 800 specialists in research and education networks from more than 70 countries, but it did not prevent us from telling the international community about how we live and work under the new critical conditions.
Thanks to a new initiative of the GÉANT Association, URAN will be able to maintain the Ukrainian network for research and education, even in the unstable financial conditions of wartime – and, after the victory, to rebuild what has been destroyed.
“Ukraine is fighting for peace, not only for its own country but for the whole of Europe. Nobody can stay away. Therefore, doing everything possible to stop Russian aggression, including in our sphere – the sphere of science – means fighting for peace together with us Ukrainians.
GEANT helps us and we at URAN are proud to be a part of this community”.
From the first day of the war, we have been working in an intensified mode, supporting the network and services. The URAN network operates stably except for a few sections where active combat do not allow the equipment to be repaired. We have also created a Telegram channel where you can leave messages.
Access to the world’s advanced research infrastructures is vital to modern science. Representatives of URAN and GÉANT spoke about the possibilities of such access for Ukrainian researchers at the event ‘Research and innovation day in Ukraine’ held by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on 17 December 2021.
Advanced energy-saving projects were the topic of the 10th International Scientific and Practical Conference in Ukraine, where Volodymyr Galagan, Technical Director of the Ukrainian national research and education network URAN Association, gave a report. He spoke about URAN’s participation in the international EaPConnect project funded by the European Union under the EU4Digital initiative, and shared URAN’s considerations for the use of energy-efficient technologies.
For Ukrainian researchers and educators to access many important online resources through the eduGAIN service, it must be implemented and configured by technicians. They learned how to do this at a recent webinar from the URAN Association which provides eduGAIN in Ukraine with the support of the EU funded EaPConnect project.
The webinar is designed for technicians.
The duration of the event is 1.5 hours
The number of participants is limited (maximum group – 25 people)
A new ‘spectrum’ high-capacity Internet link that is future-proofed to enable the digital future of Moldovan and Ukrainian research and education communities was launched on 28 September 2021.
Technology upgrades can bring both challenges and solutions. For Ukrainian researchers at Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology (KIPT), planned changes to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) run by the European Organisation for Nuclear Research, CERN, will bring a challenge. But a new ‘spectrum’ digital highway provided by URAN and the EU-funded EaPConnect project offers a ‘future-proofed’ solution that will meet KIPT’s growing data flow needs
Summer is a traditional time for vacations and holidays. However, we at URAN have another tradition – to use the summer lull not only for recreation but also for planning future events.
We are happy to announce that a new connection has been implemented for Zaporizhzhia State Medical University. Now, damage to one of the three connections will not disrupt the provision of services, and the lack of power supply to one of the city nodes will not lead to the disconnection of the entire network.
Ukraine’s research and education (R&E) community can access many vital services and resources through the eduGAIN service that is provided by URAN Association with support from the EU-funded EaPConnect project. URAN, the NREN of Ukraine, held the webinar on 26 May 2021 to bring its user community up to date on eduGAIN, which is a keystone service that enables use of a wide range of other vital services and resources.
We invite you to the webinar “eduGAIN – your key to digital research and educational services worldwide” which will take place on May 26, 2021, at 14:00.
URAN Association is included to the Register of telecommunications operators, telecommunications providers of the National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications and Informatisation. Record number № 3628 dated March 17, 2021.
Reliable and convenient tools for online events and home learning have become especially important in the past year, with the COVID-19-related transition to remote working. URAN Association, the national research and education network (NREN) of Ukraine, presented its two remote communications services to researchers and educators in a webinar on 25 March 2021, including eduMEET, which was deployed with the support of the EU-funded EaPConnect project.
Webinar ‘Online tools for distant education and communication for R&E” will be held on 25 March instead of 11 March
On February 11, together with the world community, we celebrate the Day of Women and Girls in Science – and honor the female part of the URAN Association team. In anticipation of another important holiday, March 8, our wonderful employees briefly spoke about themselves and their role in science.
What is an NREN and why does Ukraine need it? This subject was discussed on December 17, 2020, at the webinar “What is an NREN and what are its benefits” held by URAN Association, NREN of Ukraine, with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and European partners from GÉANT Association.
Demand for WebClass is growing, and with it, the load on the platform is growing too. URAN has found a solution and now WebClass can hold large enough events for several institutions simultaneously.
More research data can flow between Ukraine and other countries more cheaply, allowing Ukrainians to better participate in international research cooperations without having to leave the country, thanks to the EU-funded EaPConnect project and local partner URAN.
Technical specialists of the URAN Association have completed work on expanding the GÉANT channel (Vienna) from 10 to 20 Gbps
As one of the founders of the Ukrainian Research and Academic Network, URAN, Volodymyr Galagan led the organisation for more than two decades and in recent years he brought it into closer contact with the wider NREN community via GÉANT Association and EaPConnect project. As the first EaPConnect project approaches its end, Volodymyr reflects on his ‘journey’ with URAN
Roman Yatsenko was among the first to test eduMEET and was pleased with the result. As the Head of the E-learning tools Department at Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (KhNUE), he is responsible for the entire spectrum of electronic tools in the educational process, including distance learning technologies.
As the whole world is adapting to working and studying from home in the time of COVID-19 pandemic, in Ukraine researchers, students and teachers have a new tool to help them: eduMEET
We understand the importance of establishing full-fledged training, work and communication in these difficult circumstances of quarantine. Therefore, we suggest using our video conferencing service for free
URAN staff will be operating mainly remotely. This in no way will affect the operation of our services.
What does the digital world have to do with cultural heritage? Participants of the annual EaPEC conference, which was held this year in Yerevan, Armenia, proved that digital technologies help preserve and enhance the unique cultural heritage of mankind
A new book for materials scientists and engineers working in academia or in R&D in electronics
More and more services are becoming available to Ukrainian users in their native language. The URAN Association also participates in this
Even if your research and educational institution have a staff of just a few people and you do not have the money and human resources to deploy a RADIUS server and maintain a user database, you can still provide your employees with secure access to global Wi-Fi roaming.
What is OpenAIRE and what possibilities this project gives for researchers from Eastern Partnership countries?
A research associate at the Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology is talking about his work as a part of the only Ukrainian team that is processing data from the Large Hadron Collider in CERN.
In Ukraine, there was little digital publishing of academic articles and journals until 2011. That year, URAN Publishing Service took the lead. This business unit of URAN, the Ukrainian research and academic networking association, which is a partner in the EU-funded EaPConnect project, has been supporting users such as Valentyna Lukianenko of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute every day.