Digital services for research and education

Library as a herald of Open Science: a conversation with Oleksandra Rodyhina from the Scientific and Technical Library of Igor Sikorsky KPI
URAN's network infrastructure meets the requirements of the state in terms of security - confirmed by certificates
Computer Aid delivers IT equipment to Ukrainian universities
Occupation, evacuation, digitisation: recent history of Ukrainian universities
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URAN is not just about an ISP.

According to the decision of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the URAN Association has the status of the National Research and Education Network (NREN) of Ukraine.

We provide modern digital services designed specifically for research and education. URAN is the only provider in Ukraine that is connecting to GÉANT (European Research and Education network).

The URAN Association is a member of the GÉANT Association which unites the NRENs of Europe into a pan-European network for research and education. Also, URAN represents Ukraine in the EaPConnect project which is a part of the EU4Digital initiative of the European Union and delivers digital infrastructure and solutions to the research and education communities in the Eastern Partnership countries. URAN participates in the OCRE project, thanks to which Ukrainian R&E institutions can receive cloud services from the world’s leading commercial providers.


"Now our journal is working successfully, we have many opportunities. Now, one person can do all the technical work. Article processing has become much more efficient, though now we have 10 times more submissions than before"
"Thanks to URAN and its collaboration with GÉANT our Institute (and Ukraine as a whole) can participate in one of the largest experiments on the Large Hadron Collider designed to find answers to some of the most important questions for understanding nature"
"I tested eduMEET myself, and I liked it. It’s easy to use and simple. I use eduMEET for teaching. Conveniently, it requires no additional software, with eduMEET you don’t need anything, only a link. Also, I support and consult teachers using eduMEET"

the biggest value for the company is its people

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