Tender "Data storage and access provision system (servers)"
Published: 08 August 2022
The URAN Association announces an open tender “Data storage and access provision system (servers)” and invites potential suppliers to participate in it.
This purchase is carried out as part of the implementation of the European Union project ‘EU4Digital: Connecting Research and Education Communities (EaPConnect)’.
The tender announcement is published on https://biz.e-tender.ua, procurement code UA-2022-08-08-131115677
The complete tender dossier includes:
- Instructions for tender participants
- Draft contract and special conditions, including attachments:
– Draft Agreement
– Technical proposal (Appendix 1)
– Financial offer (Appendix 2)
– Forms: Financial identification form (Appendix 3), Legal entity form (Appendix 4)
- Further information
– Administrative compliance (Appendix 5)
– Evaluation grid (Appendix 6)
- Declaration of integrity according to exclusion criteria and selection criteria.
We look forward to your tender offers. They must be submitted no later than the submission deadline specified in the Instructions for Tenderers.