URAN’s network infrastructure meets the requirements of the state in terms of security – confirmed by certificates

URAN's network infrastructure meets the requirements of the state in terms of security - confirmed by certificates Published: 15 May 2024Text - Tetiana Preobrazhenska, URAN Illustrative image from Pexels (by…

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Occupation, evacuation, digitisation: recent history of Ukrainian universities

Occupation, evacuation, digitisation: recent history of Ukrainian universities Published: 16 January 2024Text - Tetiana Preobrazhenska, URANEnglish adaptation - Rosanna Norman, GÉANT Kherson National Technical University, 2021 Oleksandr Melnychenko from the…

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Library as a herald of open science: a conversation with Oleksandra Rodyhina from the Scientific and Technical Library of Igor Sikorsky KPI, Ukraine

Library as a herald of Open Science: a conversation with Oleksandra Rodyhina from the Scientific and Technical Library of Igor Sikorsky KPI, Ukraine Published: 29 June 2023Text - Tetiana Preobrazhenska,…

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How URAN, GÉANT and OCRE help Ukrainian universities transfer their IT infrastructure abroad

How URAN, GÉANT and OCRE help Ukrainian universities transfer their IT infrastructure abroad Published:  03 February 2023Author: Tetiana Preobrazhenska, URAN A slide about OCRE project NREN of Ukraine URAN Association…

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EaPEC 2022 – Research, science, scientific wisdom and the societal impact of technology

EaPEC 2022 – Research, science, scientific wisdom and the societal impact of technology Published:  18 October 2022Author - Rosanna Norman, GÉANTOriginals: EaPEC 2022 Day FirstEaPEC 2022 Day Second Participants of…

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